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Help the Siberian Tigers in Croatia!!! |
Name and surnamee:
Budin All donation can be sent to account in Croatia: IBAN HR 8823600003230130602, SWIFT-ZABAHR2X, Budin Zlatko
Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) also known as Manchurian tiger lives in Asia. Largest of the cats, the Siberian tiger is a powerful predator. Its head is short, with small, rounded ears. The limbs are relatively long, strongly muscled, and have very large paws, armed with long, sharp claws. The ground color of the fur is reddish-brown, with prominent transverse dark stripes over most of the body. The very rare Siberian tiger ranges as far north as the Arctic Circle. The tiger has no mane, but in old males the hair on the cheeks is rather long and spreading. A powerful, generally solitary cat, it swims well and appears to enjoy bathing. Under stress, it may climb trees. The tiger hunts by night and preys on a variety of animals, including deer, wild hog, and peafowl. Healthy large mammals are generally avoided, although there have been recorded instances of the tiger having attacked elephants and adult buffalo. A big male measures 4 m (13 ft) long, including the tail, and weighs up to 300 kg (700 lb). It has thick yellow fur with dark stripes. The tiger's coat ranges from brownish-yellow to orange-red and is marked by black stripes. Each tiger has a unique stripe pattern, as distinctive as human fingerprints. The fur on the throat, belly, and insides of the legs is whitish. Many tigers, especially males, have a ruff of hair around the sides of the face. The tigers of Siberia, where winters are bitterly cold, have shaggy winter coats.How does it live, hunt and eat It is solitary, strongly territorial and mainly nocturnal. Habitats range from tropical rainforest to cold coniferous forest, but does not extend into open country. The tiger is a solitary animal, males and females coming together only at mating time. The litter usually numbers two or three cubs, which stay with the mother into their second year. The diet is varied, ranging from deer and cattle to snakes and termites; carrion is also eaten.Its hind legs are noticeably larger than the forelegs, providing a powerful thrust when leaping. The tiger's large canine teeth are well suited for holding prey and for killing it. A tiger locates prey by patrolling its territory. When a prey animal is selected, the tiger stalks it very carefully, until it is no more than about 20 meters away, before engaging in a rapid charge and pounce. A large carcass is usually hidden in dense vegetation and the Tiger remains close to this, feeding on it for about three days. . A tiger may eat at least 20 kilograms of meat in a night. A tiger often takes a long drink of water and a nap after a meal. Female Siberian tiger Most adult tigresses (females) weigh less than male tigers though other features are as in males. A tigress usually bears her first cubs when she is 3 to 4 years old. She carries the young within her body for 105 to 108 days.. She then gives birth to from one to six cubs, though usually two or three. Newborn cubs are helpless and weigh about 2 to 3 pounds (0.9 to 1.4 kilograms). Tiger cubs, like kittens, are playful. They are wholly dependent on their mother for food until they are about a year old. Even then, they cannot kill a large animal. Cubs become fully independent at about 2 years old. Female cubs then often settle down in a territory near their mother. Males tend to roam far from their birthplace. How to breed tigers Tigers are easy to breed and raise in zoos, where cubs are popular. We have to pay attention to the first month after their birth. If we want to have a tamed tiger, a cub should be separated from mother when one month old and should be fed with a special cat milk mixed with water. Siberian tiger are easily tamed as far as we treat them properly and they will give back by cuddling but people have to be careful all the time. They like playing rough games with people (which is quite natural with their species), but these games can sometimes be dangerous and harmful. People have greatly reduced the number of tigers by killing them and by clearing the forests in which they lived. I have managed to breed a few generations of Siberian tigers in Croatia and I would like to share my experience. One of my tigresses has given birth to 6 little cubs, which is extremely rare with this population. Several countries protect tigers in nature reserves. The survival of wild tigers depends on such efforts. Tigers - most beautiful cats on the way to extinction The tiger is a very endangered species and there are about 400 tigers living in their natural surrounding while in organized shelters we can find about 600 specimens. The Bali and Caspian tigers are believed to be extinct and the other subspecies are restricted mainly to reserves in South-East Asia and India. Their numbers have dwindled because of heavy human predation-they are hunted for their skin and certain and habitat destruction. The estimated population of tigers in the wild ranges from about 6,000 to 7,000. Tigers are protected animals in all countries where they inhabit nature. But many hunters don't pay attention and kill them and thus make them even more endangered. The estimate is that they are to be extinct by the year 2015. We can do a lot to protect this beautiful animal. Breeders and zoos all over the world are like the Noah's Ark trying to save the endangered species of animals. Their successful breeding and returning to their natural surrounding will ultimately help to preserve this species for future generations. Help the Siberian Tigers in Croatia!!! Join us in a project to breed Siberian tigers in Croatia. We have been breeding the Siberian tigers in Croatia for over 8 years now. We need help to improve the conditions of breeding Siberian tigers and make the environment for this amazing animals, now almost extinct, as natural as possible. We are facing a very serious financial crisis in Croatia and therefore we need help. We are calling for help from all of you animal lovers to make our project "Breeding Tigers to Return them to Nature" work. We are open to any kind of donation or sponsorship. we need building materials, a tractor, building machinery, computers or anything that you consider might be of some use in this project. All the above mentioned equipment can be second-hand. You can help by donating even 1$ at our account.Finally we would like to ask once again all animal lovers and people of good will to help us preserve these extraordinary animals on our planet. Their presence and greater number together with our gratitude will be a great satisfaction. Last update 11.03.2001 year. |
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